Sell Glass
Looking to Sell Glass?
Glass Recylers, Inc. makes it easy!
We pride ourselves on making it as convenient as possible for you to use our services. Our philosophy is the easier we make it for you, the more you will place your trust ond confidence in us. Our ultimtate goal is for you to think of only one processor when you need to buy cullet -- Glass Recyclers, Ltd.
- Located in southeastern Michigan
- Minutes from 1-94, 1-75 and 1-96 and close to U.S. 23 and U.S. 10
- Secured seven acre site
- Large enough site for easy access in and out
- Weigh scale certified by the state of Michigan
- 18 truck docks for efficient load and unload
- Decasing services for unsorted bottles
- All bottles destroyed within 24 hours
- Shipments received 24 hrs. Monday - Friday
Since inception in 1993, our personal service and attention to detail has separated us from our competition. At Glass Recyclers, Inc. your needs always come first We stress quality and service to our employees and will do what it takes to earn your business for years to come.
- Supply 30 and 40 yard rolloff boxes and trailers
- Competative prices and payment terms
- International services include free customs clearance -(John V. Carr, Inc. is our custom house broker)
- Trailer drop at your site with removal within 24 hours
- Empty trailer delivered at pickup for uninterrupted service
- Accept crushed glass color separated in gaylord boxes
- Trained staff, equipment and capacity to do the job right
We are continually upgrading and improving our facilities to serve our valued customers better. We are flexible in accepting different types of glass. Our goal is to serve you. Call Glass Recyclers, Ltd. first!
Cardboard bales
Aluminum cans
Call (800) 949-8305 today for a quote!